Showing posts with label Twitter News. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Twitter News. Show all posts

Monday, May 18, 2015

Barack Obama wrote his first tweet from his iPhone

President Barack Obama has started an account in the microblogging service Twitter. His page is at Nick POTUS is an abbreviation of the full title of Obama - President of the United States.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Twitter Announces A Small Partnership With Apple

For a last night event, the Twitter CEO Dick Costello revealed to the world that his company was beginning a partnership with Apple. The result is to imbue the natural search engine iOS and OS X (known as Spotlight) with micro-network data making the search for tweets and profiles even easier.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Meet the New Twitter Website [Hands On]

Twitter's been trending on it's own social media website over the weekend about #NewTwitter, now, it's been revealed (at least for me). The new Twitter website is very similar to it's newly released iPad app with two-column style, the left one showing the stream and the right one providing all content, videos, images, and other content. The coolest feature in the new Twitter is embedded content, it'll now open in-line in the right column.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Two Most Requested Features, Come to New Twitter

Twitter will enrich its new web interface with some new features, today we were tipped with arrival of the most requested features which will be touchable in the New Twitter. the two features are "Reply to All" and "Auto-complete"

Reply-to-all function does exactly what you would think, so that if some names are mentioned in a tweet, your reply button will now reply to all mentioned names. If you want to remove any of the mentioned names, you have to handle this manually.

Twitter is Under Attack [WARNING], [Updatet 1x]

A new Twitter security flaw has been widely exploited on thousands of Twitter accounts, this was due to a new Javascript exploit that is currently spreading like wildfire across Twitter service. The bug is particularly nasty because it works on mouse-over only. that means pop-ups and third party website can open even if you just move your mouse over the offending link.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

New Twitter Web Interface, Really AWESOME

Twitter has announced that it's rolling out a new version of its web interface, called NewTwitter. As usual some users will start seeing Twitter new look as soon as tonight, and it will be availble for all Twitter users over the next few weeks, In the New Twitter, you will find @mentions, retweets, searches, and lists just above your timeline, On the right, you can see the features you’re familiar with, including whom you recently followed and who recently followed you, favorites, and Trending Topics.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Twitter Surpasses 145 Million Registered Users and 300,000 New Users Per Day

Four months ago, Twitter has stated that it reached 105 million registered users, Today Twitter has been exceeded 145 million active user according to Twitter CEO Evan Williams, this reflect that Twitter has surpasses 300,000 new users per day.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Twitter Introducs @TwitterU for Twitter Jobs

Twitter has just launched their new account @TwitterU as Twitter U Recruiting to offer Twitter Jobs so you can work for Twitter. Now, you can apply for job to work on Twitter, Write down your Name, Email, Country, Twitter Username, etc.. If you are ready for the job, Twitter will contact you! The following positions are available,

Friday, August 20, 2010

How to: Add Tweet Button Bookmarklet To Any Browser

Last week we have announced the new official twitter tweet button, also we have showed you how to add the official Twitter tweet button on Blogger and Wordpress blogs, today Twitter add a new Button called Bookmarklet which allow you to share links from any page even it doesn't contain Tweet button.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Twitter Rolling Out You Both Follow Again

Last month, We already told you that Twitter began testing "You Both Follow" feature for some users, Today, it appears like Twitter is rolling out You Both Follow again for all users! As you see in the screenshot below, Twitter shows us You Both Follow feature the same as Following feature.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Twitter Introduces Tweet Buttons

Couple of Days ago, Mashable reported that Twitter will announce Tweet button at the end of this week, and here we go, Twitter announces Tweet Buttons in a new blog post,Twitter takes over TweetMeme by adding this feature.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Twitter Fast Follow Send Users' Tweets To Your Phone , No Account needed

Twitter continues the improvement of its services, we just announced about the twitter official tweet buttons, today twitter just announced a new amzaing features.

We’ve always been big fans of trusty SMS messaging. In fact, sending a text was originally the only way users could tweet. This is why Tweets are 140 characters -- they need to fit into a text message. more

Twitter is Launching Official Tweet Buttons This Week

Big News! According to Mashable, Twitter is introducing it's own tweet buttons this week and it may be available by Thursday. All Site owners now use the popular TweetMeMe's buttons but may be Twitter give it a way to a better tweet buttons? Here's a fast review of the official tweet buttons,

Friday, July 30, 2010

Twitter is Adding "Suggestions for You" and "Recommendations" Features

Just heads up, Twitter has published a new blog post saying it begins to roll out a new feature "Suggestions for You", This new feature suggests people you don’t currently follow that you may find interesting or known as "Recommended Users". You will be able to see "Suggestions for You" field under "Find People", it's not appearing for normal users now, Only for Developers!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Twitter to bring Photos and Videos in Stream

I know that's surprising most of us, But as I thought, Twitter is going to add Photos and Videos to be shown in the Stream, You will be able to see Photos and Videos in your Twitter timeline the same as Facebook but much easier and faster!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Fake Email sent from Twitter, Delete it Right now!

Hey, if you got an Email on your account from Twitter, don't think to open, and never think to click on the link inside it, It's just a big fake. Twitter Safety account has just tweeted that an Email will be sent telling you that your account will be deleted unless you click on the link, This is FAKE.
Here's the tweet:
Heads-up: if you receive an email saying that your account will be deleted unless you click on a link, it's not from us.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Twitter has Launched @EarlyBird, Get Ready to advertise

I already talked you about @EarlyBird account which was another big advertising system, It's a big revenue source for Twitter, Through EarlyBird, Twitter help advertisers to advertise on it by tweeting for people who following EarlyBir. Twitter has just announced that EarlyBird is ready for Work!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

@EarlyBird, yet another advertising revenue source for Twitter!

The Developer behind Osfoora HD has just submitted his new App in the iTunes App Store to be accepted by Apple, Osfoora HD is your best Twitter client for iPad. New features will be expected from Osfoora HD 1.1 as new light themes and some fixes!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Twitter for iPhone brings support for iOS 4 [Includes Multitasking]

Twitter for iPhone has just updated to brings support for iOS 4 and the newly released iPhone 4 which arrived early today, and Yes Twitter brings Multitasking feature for the newly released iOS 4. Check the official change log bellow..

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Twitter will no longer count against the 140 character limit!

Yes you read it right! Twitter has just published a post on their blog, It announced that they will be using its official link shortening service to wrap all links shared on Twitter. Starting this Summer, When you post a link in your post, Twitter client will wrap your link to******

Image via Mashable