Friday, October 8, 2010

Geohot’s Come back with Limera1n to Jailbreak iOS 4.1 on all iDevices for Life [Confirmed]

A long time we waited for Geohot after when we posted that he Closed his iPhone Blog and his Twitter . Now Geohot come back to iPhone jailbreak scene with a complete new bootrom exploit and tool to pwn all current iOS devices on iOS 4.1 for life! He has been out for months, but his return is surely going to please everyone, specially the 3rd-generation iPhone and iPod touch owners who were left out by SHAtter based GreenPois0n.

This news has been confirmed by members of @cdevwill ,@p0sixninja , @StealthBravo and  @ChronicDevTeam on Twitter Lets see what They Said :
@p0sixninja Said :
yes, the news about geohot is true, the day after we release ETA he decides he wants a piece of the #pie
And yes it is a different bootrom exploit, he wants us to use it in GP, but there’s no way we’ll make our ETA if we do
@chronicdevteam Said:
Note greenpois0n will be released as planned. if someone decides to burn a different perfectly good exploit, that is entirely on them.
It is actually him.
because his different exploit can be saved for new iphone / ipad / ipod, AND 3G S, you’d just have to wait a little longer
@cdevwill Said:
[7:45pm] geohot: eh, i’ll just steal your exploit [7:45pm] geohot: and beat you to the release Sounds like a nice guy.

@StealthBravo Said: 
The significance of 10/11/10 is that its the one year anniversary of blackra1n’s release. 10/11/10 is the targeted release of limera1n
So what do you think about this? Let us know what you think about this in the comments section below.

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