Thursday, September 23, 2010

Meet the New Twitter Website [Hands On]

Twitter's been trending on it's own social media website over the weekend about #NewTwitter, now, it's been revealed (at least for me). The new Twitter website is very similar to it's newly released iPad app with two-column style, the left one showing the stream and the right one providing all content, videos, images, and other content. The coolest feature in the new Twitter is embedded content, it'll now open in-line in the right column.

Of course, the biggest addition is adding pictures and videos embedded on the site, sixteen media providers are on the board including Twitpic, Youtube, Twitvid, Vimeo, Ustream, and other popular picture & video services. The search bar and settings has been given placement at the top of the site in its own header. Rollouts are selected by members not places, within weeks, everyone will get it, and also can get back to the old one (but no one would do that).

Ok, I don't want to talk a lot as the pictures and screenshots can say all what I need to say, but at least I can say, we can now give up our dedicated Twitter clients (TweetDeck, HootSuite, Echofon, etc.), Pictures below.

Main Screen

Embedded Content

Time Line Stream [Left Column]

Right Column

Profile Page

Search Results

Retweets list

Embedded Image from Twitpic

Embedded Video from Twitvid

Messages Page

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