Showing posts with label new twitter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label new twitter. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

New features for Twitter: preview of the items in the timeline and sharing native iOS

In order not to lose even more ground against Facebook, currently leading to social networks, and other competitors, Twitter, social twittering, is churning out a series of additional functions after another in hopes of recalling for a number of users increasing. Latest added features: a preview of the items in the timeline and sharing native iOS.

Monday, May 18, 2015

Barack Obama wrote his first tweet from his iPhone

President Barack Obama has started an account in the microblogging service Twitter. His page is at Nick POTUS is an abbreviation of the full title of Obama - President of the United States.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Twitter CEO Ev Williams is Stepping Down to Focus On Product

Twitter is replacing CEO (Chief executive officer) and Co-Founder Ev Williams with COO (Chief operating officer) Dick Costolo, so that Williams “be completely focused on product strategy.”. We all were shocked when we saw the blog post by Williams talking about #NewTwitterCEO. Here's the blog post.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Meet the New Twitter Website [Hands On]

Twitter's been trending on it's own social media website over the weekend about #NewTwitter, now, it's been revealed (at least for me). The new Twitter website is very similar to it's newly released iPad app with two-column style, the left one showing the stream and the right one providing all content, videos, images, and other content. The coolest feature in the new Twitter is embedded content, it'll now open in-line in the right column.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Two Most Requested Features, Come to New Twitter

Twitter will enrich its new web interface with some new features, today we were tipped with arrival of the most requested features which will be touchable in the New Twitter. the two features are "Reply to All" and "Auto-complete"

Reply-to-all function does exactly what you would think, so that if some names are mentioned in a tweet, your reply button will now reply to all mentioned names. If you want to remove any of the mentioned names, you have to handle this manually.