Showing posts with label Twitter Features. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Twitter Features. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

New features for Twitter: preview of the items in the timeline and sharing native iOS

In order not to lose even more ground against Facebook, currently leading to social networks, and other competitors, Twitter, social twittering, is churning out a series of additional functions after another in hopes of recalling for a number of users increasing. Latest added features: a preview of the items in the timeline and sharing native iOS.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Can Twitter Really make a Twitter Edit Button?

There were a lot of tweets floating around by people (including me) about #TwitterEditButton which was started by Arron Hirst, people think that Twitter should introduce a new option to edit tweets they have already published. No one can deny the importance of "Twitter Edit Button", But can Twitter really make it?
The real question is Would it be technically possible? Yes, Twitter is working on "Annotated Tweets" feature which allows you to annotate a tweet with structured metadata. Also, Twitter has the ability to undo tweets. In brief, Twitter can make just a simple edit button but it may not be for long periods! So Twitter, how about an Edit Button?

Friday, August 13, 2010

Twitter Rolling Out You Both Follow Again

Last month, We already told you that Twitter began testing "You Both Follow" feature for some users, Today, it appears like Twitter is rolling out You Both Follow again for all users! As you see in the screenshot below, Twitter shows us You Both Follow feature the same as Following feature.

How to:Add official Twitter Button In Blogger

Twitter just announced its official tweet button, which allow you simply to retweet your posts, so I will show you by very simple steps how to install the official twitter tweet button in your Blogger blog.
Step 1:Login to your Blogger account.

How to:Add Official Twitter Button In Wordpress

Twitter just announced its official tweet button, which allow you simply to retweet your posts, so I will show you by very simple steps how to install the official twitter tweet button in your wordpress.
Step 1:Login your Wordpress account
Step 2:Once you login your account, click on Appearance.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Twitter Introduces Tweet Buttons

Couple of Days ago, Mashable reported that Twitter will announce Tweet button at the end of this week, and here we go, Twitter announces Tweet Buttons in a new blog post,Twitter takes over TweetMeme by adding this feature.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Twitter Fast Follow Send Users' Tweets To Your Phone , No Account needed

Twitter continues the improvement of its services, we just announced about the twitter official tweet buttons, today twitter just announced a new amzaing features.

We’ve always been big fans of trusty SMS messaging. In fact, sending a text was originally the only way users could tweet. This is why Tweets are 140 characters -- they need to fit into a text message. more

Twitter is Launching Official Tweet Buttons This Week

Big News! According to Mashable, Twitter is introducing it's own tweet buttons this week and it may be available by Thursday. All Site owners now use the popular TweetMeMe's buttons but may be Twitter give it a way to a better tweet buttons? Here's a fast review of the official tweet buttons,

Friday, July 30, 2010

Twitter is Adding "Suggestions for You" and "Recommendations" Features

Just heads up, Twitter has published a new blog post saying it begins to roll out a new feature "Suggestions for You", This new feature suggests people you don’t currently follow that you may find interesting or known as "Recommended Users". You will be able to see "Suggestions for You" field under "Find People", it's not appearing for normal users now, Only for Developers!