Wednesday, November 18, 2015

iOS 9.2 beta 4 is now available for download

A few minutes ago, I debuted fourth beta of iOS 9.2. Update came a week after the previous build and is designed for developers and participants of the program testing.

The fourth beta of iOS 9.2 can be downloaded from Apple Developer Center, as well as directly on the devices registered in the testing program.

In its current form iOS 9.2 fixes several shortcomings iOS 9.1, and improves performance. In the list of major innovations update: function NumberSync, lets you take calls and to initiate them from any approved device even over the Internet, update of Safari View Controller, which is now even more strongly associated with the application Safari, as well as the support of the Arabic language for Siri. Russian-speaking users will appreciate the correction of an error, which led to "sticking" CAPSA when switching from English.

As for Safari View Controller, then the updated framework, there is support for third-party extensions such as password managers, so that now these extensions can interact with Web pages directly from the application.

NumberSync technology is a further development of technology Continuity. The latter allows to use the Mac, iPad, or iPod touch for phone calls if the user's device connected to the same wireless network Wi-Fi. In the case of NumberSync it comes to Wi-Fi-calls that do not require a finding in a network with the iPhone, - can be at least a hundred kilometers away, and even out of network coverage.

Apple has also made available a beta version of the update program participants testing. Thus, not only developers, but ordinary users the iPhone and iPad can download and install iOS 9.2 beta 4. The size of the build up to 1.3 GB, depending on the device. The final list of changes that will bring iOS 9.2, is still unknown.

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