Friday, July 30, 2010

Twitter is Adding "Suggestions for You" and "Recommendations" Features

Just heads up, Twitter has published a new blog post saying it begins to roll out a new feature "Suggestions for You", This new feature suggests people you don’t currently follow that you may find interesting or known as "Recommended Users". You will be able to see "Suggestions for You" field under "Find People", it's not appearing for normal users now, Only for Developers!

With more than a hundred million users on Twitter, there are sure to be at least dozens of accounts out there that will reflect your interests. The trouble is finding all of them. Today we're beginning to roll out a simple, but powerful new feature to help address that -- "Suggestions for You". The algorithms in this feature, built by our user relevance team, suggest people you don’t currently follow that you may find interesting. The suggestions are based on several factors, including people you follow and the people they follow. You'll see these suggestions on and the Find People section. If you like a suggestion, click "follow"; if you don't, click "hide," and we’ll try not to suggest that user again.
Oh Another Great Feature "Recommendations", this features allows you to see similar users when you view another users, this recommendations should be similar to the user you access his account.
In addition, you will begin to see recommendations for similar users when you view another account’s profile. If you’re interested in a particular user, you might be interested in these other accounts as well.
This Features will be available Soon, So Stay Tuned!
Update 1: Features Started to Work for me! What about you?

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