Apple recently acquired Metaio, a company specializing in various applications related to augmented reality. Mysteriously, the company announced it will stop selling its services last night, and filings with the German government indicate that the acquisition of Apple is indeed a business already concluded.
Showing posts with label Apps. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Apps. Show all posts
Friday, May 29, 2015
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
Monday, April 13, 2015
The Apple Watch is coming and we know some of the possible uses of this new device. There are things that we have not thought of and very interesting things that we discover day after day. Now for example, we talk about how, with the necessary applications, Apple Watch can change the way you interact with the doctors and with the intake of drugs for treatment.
Wednesday, April 1, 2015
In today's article I will bring a few apps that developers have decided that they are for a limited time offer for free. As in the case of such applications lives, we do not know the exact duration of the action, so it may be that the application will again be paid per hour, day or week. In the second releases of applications this week we look at the applications whose functions are really diverse. Some of these applications today are really interesting and also offer interesting features.
Friday, August 31, 2012
Today, new amazing tweak appeared in Cydia store. This tweak is called Appcent. It will add a small percentage value just under the app icon while it’s installing on your iPhone. This tweak is very little and is particularly useful when you have to download the large sized games and heavy applications such as iPhoto or iMovie. This tweak is free. Let's check the trial video below for this app.
Appcent is very simple and doesn’t have any settings or options to configure it. Simply download this tweak from Cydia Store and it will automatically show percentage under the app icon on the app which is being downloaded at that time. We already know that when we are downloading an app from App Store, a status bar is shown indicating the percentage of downloading app but using this tweak, you will see additional percentage numerical value which will give you a more precise idea.
Download AppCent App from app store For free
Watch The Following Video For AppCent :
Monday, April 2, 2012
Well, About AppUpdateNotifier it is a new jailbreak tweak that allows you to know whenever an update for any application that you might be using becomes available in the Appstore. AppUpdateNotifier is not the first tweak to add notification feature. There are a lot of jailbreak tweaks based on this concept in the past such as CydiaBulletin, and their purpose was to just essentially provide you with notifications whenever an update of any application or a jailbreak tweak was released, and was ready for download. Read more and watch the video after the jump.
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Well, after releasing iPad 3 there must be a new Amazing Apps To Show off. We will show you captured screenshot for all these apps and we will give you also download link for each app. Let's check these apps after the jump.
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Without any doubt iPad has made a revolution and breakthrough in technology and in electronic field. iPad was introduced back in 2010 and
gained great iPad runs the same OS as iPhone and iPod Touch. But the
main feature which iPad lacked was the stock Apps. However, a developer
Ryan Petrich has successfully able to port the iPhone and iPod Touch’s
stock Application to iPad.
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Well, in this post we will show you the best collection of free photograph apps followed by the download links and remember that these are free apps. Let's check them after the jump.
Friday, July 1, 2011
This is an amazing jailbreak tweak that will enable to run multiple apps side by side on iPad. Few hours ago Aron Ash, the well-known iPhone developer has managed to run two apps side by side on his iPad.
Monday, June 20, 2011
Here is some tricks which were picked by the guys over CultofMac in the newly Apple iOS 5 beta 1. You will be able to download and install more than one app at the same time, even on 3G.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
1. Movie Player. ( Also iPhone / iPod Touch useable ).cation to play unsupported Video Formats.
It is easy to use. Just Copy them through iTunes into your iDevice.
Friday, May 13, 2011
DataDeposit is a new free jailbreak tweak released on Cydia, DataDeposit allows you to backup iOS application save data to your DropBox account. Simply install DataDeposit on your iPhone and ensure that you never lose any save data. DataDeposit allows you to backup iOS
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Ever wanted to try out an Android app but don’t have an actual Android device handy? An iOS user and often wondered how the other half lives? If the answer is yes, then BlueStacks is for you.
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Apple is taking an unusual step in the war again jailbreakers, and it’s not what you may think.
In the past, Apple has tried blocking jailbreakers by changing
In the past, Apple has tried blocking jailbreakers by changing
Thursday, March 31, 2011
According to TechCrunch, iOS 5 will integrate voice control and artificial intelligence from the company named as Siri. Apple has involved this company in April 2010. iOS 5 will be
Friday, February 25, 2011
Here's a new Cydia app for iPhone which allows you to get rid of VoiceMail tab in iPhone app, this app called NoVoiceMail. This app is useful for those who don't use voice mail button and annoyed by mistakenly pressing it while dialing numbers.