Friday, July 1, 2011

How To Run Multiple Apps On iPad Side By Side

This is an amazing jailbreak tweak that will enable to run multiple apps side by side on iPad. Few hours ago Aron Ash, the well-known iPhone developer has managed to run two apps side by side on his iPad.

Yes, and it actually works! I’ve wasted plenty of time already playing 2 games of Angry Birds at the same time. (I actually was playing 3 for a while, but it crashed when I tried to add a 4th). There are a few bugs, such as audio not working, and accelerometer events not getting sent to applications; it may take a while to sort these out. The bottom right button turns on “edit mode” which allows you to rearrange applications, and rotate them (Angry Birds normally runs in landscape, here they’re turned). I’m debating on if I should go for the typical desktop feel or make it more SpringBoard-like and keep apps in preset locations. I probably won’t have time to really polish this up and release for a few months, but I’ll keep hacking away at it and possibly post updates every now and then. Performance is actually pretty good, definitely useable.
Aron Ash didn't announce the name of this amazing tweak but he confirmed that it will be released for public soon, as it in the final tests. Stay tuned.

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