Showing posts with label Android. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Android. Show all posts

Sunday, June 23, 2019

How To Use Your iOS Or Android SmartDevice As Wireless Touch Mouse And Keyboard To Control And Full Access Your PC [Guide]

Today, we will show you how to use your iPhone, iPad, iPod or any android smart device as wireless touch mouse and keyboard to fully control your Windows, Mac or Linux PC and get full access to their partitions, folders, files, media, documents and more. In fact, there are many reasons which declare why we use our phones in this way, we will review them through this topic and we will show you very summarized and easy step by step guide of how to use your iPhone, iPad, iPod or any other smart device as wireless touch mouse and keyboard to control your Windows or Mac PC and get full access to them easily. Let's see the review and tutorial but after the following break.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Instagram has launched a new feature for iPhone

Instagram has officially launched today a function about which we spoke last week, iPhone application allowing users to log on now multiple accounts simultaneously in order to use them in parallel without logout from application every time.

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Android designer criticizes the "old" interface of iOS

When Steve Jobs introduced its first iPhone in 2007 said that it was a product that was 5 years ahead of the competition. In hindsight, we can say that Jobs was right, because it took several years before Android smartphones can do (well) what was the iPhone. The head of Google's Matias Duarte design does not deny this, but States that the iOS interface is virtually identical since 2007 and now turns out to be "frustrating and stagnant".

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Cyanogen Mod for iPhone launched

Cyanogen Mod is the most popular ROM Android, or rather series of ROMs Android, him giving users the operating system increased performance and better stability compared ROMs standard offered by manufacturers of smartphones used.

Friday, December 18, 2015

The real reasons for choosing iOS developers at the expense of Android

For years it is well known that application developers prefer to give priority to the detriment of Android to iOS platform when it comes to producing applications for mobile terminals and various reasons have been offered.