Showing posts with label iPhone. Show all posts
Showing posts with label iPhone. Show all posts

Sunday, June 23, 2019

How To Use Your iOS Or Android SmartDevice As Wireless Touch Mouse And Keyboard To Control And Full Access Your PC [Guide]

Today, we will show you how to use your iPhone, iPad, iPod or any android smart device as wireless touch mouse and keyboard to fully control your Windows, Mac or Linux PC and get full access to their partitions, folders, files, media, documents and more. In fact, there are many reasons which declare why we use our phones in this way, we will review them through this topic and we will show you very summarized and easy step by step guide of how to use your iPhone, iPad, iPod or any other smart device as wireless touch mouse and keyboard to control your Windows or Mac PC and get full access to them easily. Let's see the review and tutorial but after the following break.

Thursday, June 20, 2019

How To Download iOS 13 And iPodOS 13 Beta 2 OTA Update Without Developer Account Or Registered UDID

How can i download iOS 13 and iPodOS 13 beta 2 with OTA Update Without having a developer account ? Most of us are asking this question and yearn to try iOS 13 on his device, in this post we have the answer and it is possible to download and install iOS 13 and iPodOS 13 beta 2 OTA update on your device without Developer account or registered UDID. Let's check our guide with a few easy steps how to do that but after the following break.

iOS 13 Beta For Public To Be Released In Few Days, Unofficial Source In Apple Confirmed

iOS 13 beta for public profiles will be released in 10 days at most to bring new changes and new features for iPhone, iPad and iPod as Apple said by an unofficial source and we can confirm these leaked news for a lot of reasons. Read more details about this article after the break,

Thursday, March 2, 2017

iOS 10.3 Untethered Jailbreak Status And Updates

Release Date Of iOS 10.3 Untethered Jailbreak And Updates - We know that iOS 10.3 jailbreak has very big future. All who want to install new Cydia Tweaks want to know, when they can install iOS 10 Jailbreak utility.

We know that Apple has released new update for all iOS 10 supported iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch devices. This mean that all iOS 10 Apps has been released also. If you have device which running on last version iOS, you can update to iOS 10. Don't forget if you have jailbroken iOS 9.3.3, you will lost jailbreak. Let's read more after the following jump.

Monday, January 23, 2017

Download iOS 10.3, 10.2.1, 10.2, 10.1.1, 10.1, 10 For iPhone, iPod And iPad (Direct Links)

Apple has released iOS 10.2.1, 10.2, 10.1.1, 10.1 And 10 IPSW for iPhone, iPod and iPad followed by 8 beta version of iOS 10. Now iOS 10.2.1 is available for both developers and testers. Now let us show you all features of iOS 10.x.x and it's beta versions and you can get also the direct links to download iOS 10.2.1, 10.2, 10.1.1, 10.1, 10 for iPhone, iPod and iPad but after the following jump.