Showing posts with label Unboxing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Unboxing. Show all posts

Friday, August 20, 2010

White iPhone 4 Unboxing Video

This morning when I saw this video, I was shocked, This is a real White iPhone 4 shown in a video unboxed and used! White iPhone 4 was delayed due to color issues, Apple delayed it till the end of this year in a public statement

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Upcoming Comex Jailbreak seems to be Released Today

Quick heads up, someone published this image on the web, we don't know it's source but it's seems not fake! Comex mentioned in his podcast interview that he is waiting for saurik to finish Cydia bootstrap, the screenshot below shows a message from saurik saying that he already gave the bootstrap to comex.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

iPhone 4 Unlock Done, Let's begin the Countdown

Yes, You read it right! Planetbeing has just managed to Unlock iPhone 4, Planetbeing has finally unlocked his iPhone 4. He has posted on his twitter account that he got his iPhone 4 Unlocked! So Let's  beigin the Countdown for Release Time.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

White iPhone 4 Arrived [Unboxing - First Photos]

It's for Real, White iPhone 4 has been Unveiled and arrived, M.I.C gadget has got leaked images for White iPhone 4 Box and Unboxing it, they all seems awesome and I would change my black iPhone 4 for a white one!