Showing posts with label Comex. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Comex. Show all posts

Saturday, December 10, 2011

iOS 5.0.1 Untethered Jailbreak On iPhone 4S and iPad 2 With JailbreakMe Is A Fantasy

In a sad statement for all iOS users and jailbreak community, Comex the well know hacker and iOS developer has declare on his twitter account that he is not going to develop any more. This statement shows that untethered jailbreak for iPhone 4S and iPad 2 won't come soon. As know that Comex was the only hacker responsible for jailbreaking iPad 2. Some info declare that Comex won't work with jailbreak community as he joined Apple Co. Check the full report after the jump.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Apple Succeeded And Persuaded Comex, The Hacker Behind JailbreakMe To Join Ranks

The famous iPhone hacker Comex the worrier behind JailbreakMe the only web-based jailbreak that made it extremely easy for iPhone, iPad, iPod users to jailbreak their devices. Comex has published that he is joining Apple .

Monday, August 1, 2011

General Look To Comex's Personal Life

The well known hackers and developers of today prefer not to put their personal information online. We know Saurik, p0sixninja, MuscleNerd and even Comex by their Twitter handles only. However now Comex has

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Upgrade Your iPad 2 To iOS 4.3.3 Comex Said

This was reliable enough for everyone to believe that iPad 2 jailbreak is really coming very soon. Here's an other update concerning this. Just a while ago, Comex posted a tweet on his Twitter account that suggests iPad 2 users to upgrade to iOS 4.3.3 as he is in hurry to release the jailbreak.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Comex Fixes iBook Crashes On Jailbroken iOS Devices!

The well-known iPhone hacker Comex and the guy behind Spirit and JailbreakMe, has just find a way to fix iBooks crash which occurs after jailbreaking you iOS device, if you saw this message “There is a problem with the configuration of your iOS Device. Please restore with iTunes and reinstall iBooks“ so your iOS device has been infected.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Comex Untethered Jailbreak Will Be Released After Verizon iPhone?

Yesterday we reported you about the last estimates for untethered jailbreak for iOS 4.2.1 from Comex the well-known iPhone hacker. Apparently he still hesitated about releasing it, as he started his reply to someone asked him about the timing with "I don't know"

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Comex Untethered Jailbreak for iOS 4.2.1 Is Coming Very Soon !

Some good news, Andrea Cervone over iPhoneItalia was able to contact with Comex (the hacker behind JailbreakMe and Spirit, he asked him whether he will preserve his untethered jailbreak until Verizon releases iPhone 4 which will be powered by iOS 4.2.5 ? Let's see how Comex replied him.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Comex Jailbreak Saved for iOS 4.3 !

So far, RedSn0w has been the only publicly released tool that can jailbreak iOS 4.2.1. The Dev Team warned users about the dangers of updating their iOS firmware to 4.2.1 before the RedSn0w beta was released. Around that time, the iPhone hacker

Monday, January 3, 2011

Comex Untethered Jailbreak Saved for iOS 4.3

Now it's real ! Comex is saving his untethered hacks for iOS 4.3. Andrea Cervone of iPhoneItalia contacted the popular iPhone hacker Comex behind JailbreakMe and Spirit asking him about the release of his next jailbreak tool. Comex responded to the guy just the same as Steve Jobs. He's going to wait for Apple to release iOS 4.3 then push his next jailbreak to the world !

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Comex Untethered Jailbreak is not Ready On Christmas!

Comex has promised the iOS community with iOS 4.2.1 untethered jailbreak to launch before the Christmas but this tweet from Comex means that nothing is going to be released by the Christmas, i.e. we may not see that untethered jailbreak for iOS 4.2.1 by this Christmas. Though keep the hopes up!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

JailbreakMe 3.0 by Comex [Download]

I know that most of your are asking eagerly about the untethered jailbreak for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. So comex has confirmed that JailbreakMe will be released within the next weeks or in other words, in the Christmas.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Future Comex Jailbreak will Jailbreak iPhone 3GS and iPod touch 3G on iOS 4.1

It was just moments ago when we told you that GreenPois0n jailbreak which is scheduled to be launched on Sunday 11th October, will not jailbreak anything but 4th-generation devices. In a new tweet from MuscleNerd, has confirmed that Comex is working on a new jailbreak for other devices as iPhone 3GS and iPod touch 3G.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

New Untethered Userland iOS 4.1 Jailbreak On Its Way

May be we can call this HUGE especially when pod2g, the developer of SHAtter exploit, left the Chronic dev team and worked individually. Today, MuscleNerd has pretty much confirmed that Comex is still working on iOS 4.1 untethered userland jailbreak. After Redsn0w release yesterday to jailbreak iPhone 3G, and iPod touch 2G, someone has asked MuscleNerd if it support iPod touch 2G MC model as written on the blog. MuscleNerd answered him that it's supported but it's will be tethered until Comex release a new userland exploit.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Comex on GreenPois0n's Tethered Status, “Don't Worry”

Let's get the hopes up! Comex, the well know iPhone hacker behind Spirit untethered jailbreak and JailbreakMe userland jailbreak has commented on GreenPois0n status (i.e. tethered, untethered). The conversion started between him and somebody asking him about his userland jailbreak for iOS 4.1, Comex replied saying that he will not release iOS 4.1 jailbreak. So, another guy asked him, what will users do if the jailbreak from chronic-dev is tethered. The answer was interesting!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Pod2g Got a Bootrom Exploit to Jailbreak iOS 4.1

Yeah, Tweets were here and there about the exploit that will jailbreaks iOS 4.1, and here it come! Pod2g is the hacker which will jailbreak iOS 4.1 not Comex (as already told). It was crazy that he got the latest exploit just as 4.1 went public. But there's still lots of work to do before the release.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Next Jailbreak Will be From H0tB33f not Comex [Confirmed]

Well well, it was just some hours ago when we reported that the next jailbreak may not come from Comex. Now, p0sixninja confirms that in a tweet, the next jailbreak is not from Comex, it will from an old hacker in the iPhone dev team know as H0tB33f. This hacker started jailbreaking iPhones 5 months ago and he had an untethered jailbreak that time.

Next Jailbreak May Not be From Comex

Just a quick heads up. Next jailbreak will not come from Comex, Yes, that' true! Come has just replied to someone telling him that he will donate to him whenever the next jailbreak is released. Comex said that the next jailbreak may not come from him. Full details posted below.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

iOS 4.1 Userland Jailbreak Coming Soon?

You have been waiting for that! MuscleNerd has just said that comex will try to pull a trifecta by releasing a userland jailbreak similar to JailbreakMe to jailbreak iOS 4.1 for all devices but if he fails to do though, then a iBoot or bootrom exploits will be released.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

PDF Patch Fixes JailbreakMe 2.0 PDF Exploit for all iPhone, iPod Touch And iPad

Yesterday, Apple has released iOS 4.0.2 that solves the problem of security present on Safari which it was possible to obtain privileges that allow malicious code execution. The exploit, as you well know, has been used by Comex for the jailbreak of all devices. The new update, does not affect users of the iPhone 2G and iPod Touch 1G as iOS 4 is not available for these devices.

Comex Relaesed The Source Code Of JailbreakMe 2.0 Star

Comex (iPhone DevTeam member), and the developer of the great JailbreakMe 2.0 Star which is the fastest and easiet way to do the jailbreak on iPhone iOS 4. He just sent a tweet with a download link to the JailbreakMe source code.