Showing posts with label Saurik. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Saurik. Show all posts

Friday, August 5, 2011

Geohot, Saurik, p0sixninja, Jaywalker, NitoTV And Others All In a Group Photo

Justin Williams The well-known iPhone coder has posted on his Twitter account a photo of the jailbreakers party at DEF CON 19. The photo involves big number of giant and well known hackers. Check this image after the jump and keep this fantastic image in your memory because this assembly may not be repeated again.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Cydia Acquiring Rock your Phone []

If you have an iPhone, iPad or iPod touch, you might have heard about Cydia and They are both stores (the same as App Store) for 3rd party apps, themes, tweaks and everything you may want for your iPhone. Cydia was developed by Jay Freeman a.k.a Saurik, and registered under SaurikIT, LLC and is owned by Jay Freeman, and is registered under Rock Your Phone, Inc and is owned by Mario Ciabarra.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Upcoming Comex Jailbreak seems to be Released Today

Quick heads up, someone published this image on the web, we don't know it's source but it's seems not fake! Comex mentioned in his podcast interview that he is waiting for saurik to finish Cydia bootstrap, the screenshot below shows a message from saurik saying that he already gave the bootstrap to comex.

Jailbreak iPhone 4 on iOS 4.x is "Pretty Close to Done"

Good News to get the hopes up, in an all-star podcast interview with Comex, Planetbeing, Chpwn, and Saurik yesterday, Comex was asked "When is the iPhone 4 Jailbreak and Unlock is going to be released?", the answer was great "pretty close to done"

Friday, July 23, 2010

Saurik Showing us a Jailbroken iPhone 4

Jay Free Man, known as Saurik, who is the creator of Cydia on Jailbroken iPhone. Now he joined the Make It Work team and Showed us a jailbroken iPhone 4, It's a real jailbroken iPhone 4.

Also Planetbeing showed us an Unlocked iPhone 4 with Cydia App List on it! So, it seems really near. Stay Tuned! [via FSM]