Showing posts with label Google News. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Google News. Show all posts

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Google announced the Photos app to store photos and videos with unlimited space in the cloud [video]

Along with the presentation of the new platform Android M, Google introduced a new Photos application to store, organize and process images. The company says that it will not have any restrictions on the amount of disk space.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Google is Planning to Release 60x Faster Chrome 7 to Hit IE9 and Firefox 4

In case you are living under a rock and don't know yet, last week Microsoft has released Internet Explorer 9 beta with full hardware acceleration of all HTML5 content, improve canvas speed. Also Mozilla has released Firefox 4 beta last month with Panorama feature and more. So, Google is planning to Release Chrome 7 to hit back at IE9 and Firefox 4.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Google Streaming Search with Google Instant

Google has formally released a new feature called "Google Instant" this morning in San Francisco, It's already rolling out, and many of you may be seeing it on Google now. Instant Google speeds up research suggesting.
The service, as usual, will come gradually over all Google users, it is now active in the U.S. in the coming weeks it will be valid in European countries.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Google Is Creating its Music Store

As reported by Reuters, Google has already made arrangements with major record companies in view of the birth of a style iTunes Music Store . The Music Store Google should begin by next Christmas, in fact it will be a dangerous competition for iTunes, which now owns 70 % of the digital music market.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Google Launches Chrome 6 on it's Second Birthday

Today, Google is celebrating the second birthday of it's Chrome web browser with the release of new stable version of Chrome. Google Chrome officially hits version 6 bringing and even cleaner and simpler user interface and increased speed and performance. Remember that it was just two years ago when Google surprised the world by announcing a new browser, and now they are in a real browser war.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Google Enhances Gmail With Intelligent Service "Inbox Priority"

Gmail introduces a minor revolution in the inbox. With the new "Inbox Priority" service which will refer you to the most important emails to read. We are suffering from spams, the bad offers to buy strange drugs, organized meetings with women or ask money for financial scams. Then there is a lot of spams but there is an email we want to read it first.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Google Launches "Google Beat", A Video Series About Hottest Searches on Google

Google has just launched a new weekly video series called "Google Beat". It's a series of videos telling you the hottest searches on Google in U.S. The series will run on it's own Youtube Channel. The feature uses data from Google Trends, Google Insights for Search and other Google analytics tools.

Google is Testing Centered Layout?

According to Google System blog post, users are reporting that they begun to see a centered Google layout for search results pages, the same as Yahoo but with a top navigation bar and better search results!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Google Introduces Gmail Voice Calls, Free to US and Canada

Rumors have been saying this last night, but Google makes it official and introduces Voice Calls in Gmail. Now phone calls is an option in the web-based Google's mail, it's fairly cheap, it ranges between $0.02 and $0.19 a minute and free to US and Canada!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Google Images Search Brings “More Sizes” for an Image

Google Images Search lets you find “More Sizes” for an image you search for, Now, when you search for an image, hover on it, you will find a new option called "more sizes" that lets you find more sizes of the same images you searched for. This feature was launched by Bing in March, and now by Google Images Search!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Google is Testing Live Updating Search Results? [As You Type]

According to TechCrunch, Google is testing live updating search results or as known by as you type search results, this search is about you write something in the search box and the results appear immediately while typing (Live Search), By changing and adding words in search box, search results change!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Gmail Voice and Video Chat for Linux / Ubuntu

Now, Google adds voice and video chat to Gmail for Ubuntu and other Debian-based Linux users! To get started you have to download a plugin (downloads at the end) and install it then it will work as Google Talk on your Gmail, iGoogle, or orkut with voice and video chat!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Google Releases Picasa 3.8 with Face Movies and More!

Today, Google has updated their photo editing software application "Picasa", with a lot of cool and new feature but the best out their is Face Movies which create a movie based around one person! not only that, but they also integrated Picnik (which is an online photo editor) to Picasa to give us an awesome Picasa 3.8 from Google!

Google to Launch a Chrome OS Tablet in Market on November 26th

The title says it all! According to Download Squad, Google is going to launch a Chrome OS Tablet goes on Sale by November 26. it has been confirmed that Google is rolling out an HTC-built Chrome OS tablet with a Verizon data contract.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Google Announces Simplified Gmail Contacts Today

In a new blog post, Google announces that an overhauled version of Gmail Contacts will be rolling out today due to feedback from Gmail users, Google wants Gmail users to feel more comfortable with using contacts so it added a group of features to Gmail, including Keyboard shortcuts which help people a lot and other new features shown below,

Friday, August 6, 2010

Google Opens as a Social Technology Company

Two days ago, we reported that Google is going to buy for $180 Million on Friday, and it's already Friday. Google has already bought and opened it as a Social and Technology site which leads to a new web. is using a lot of platforms to work on as Facebook, MySpace, Bebo, Hi5, Blogger and more to give people more and better tools to communicate and connect, check it your self here and we are waiting for your thoughts in the comment section below.. [via Google]

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Google Decided To Shutdown Wave

Google has decided to shutdown Wave after 15 months from releasing, Wave was the real-time collaboration tool that was designed to be a cross between instant messaging, group chat and email, that comes due to a lack of user adoption.
Wave was an awesome platform, but I never found it useful in the workplace, Google should replace Wave with another awesome & useful product. more detail in the google official blog.

Google Buys for $182 Million Next Friday

Google continues improving its services, It just finished a big deal with buying for $182 million, the deal will be announced on Friday, In addition Google in its way to develop it with a serious social gaming and apps strategy.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Drag and Drop Attachments in Gmail with Chrome

We already seen FaceTime over 3G by using Rockapp which is not stable at the moment, and today Bigboss offered a new app which is available now in Cydia via BigBoss repo, the app is called "3G Unrestrictor" and it really works!

Saturday, July 31, 2010

New Gmail Design Leaked in the Wild?

Google System Blog, has posted a new screenshot of a new Google's mail "Gmail" design, this design includes a lot of new features. This screnshot is for one of Google Employee's, it contains Chromium OS bug report and some new features

So What else is new in this screenshot? Help us to know!