Showing posts with label Galaxy S4. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Galaxy S4. Show all posts

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Apple is working on a waterproof device

Apple has required the approval of a patent covering a method for sealing the internal components of a device. The request was made last year but only now made public, does not mention specific devices, but iPhone would undoubtedly be the most logical candidate.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Apple iPhone 5s vs. Samsung Galaxy S4.

Apple iPhone 5s vs. Samsung Galaxy S4 - We know that  either iPhone 5s or Galaxy S4 are enormously popular, but both of them is very different from the other. There are many differences like screen size, design and more.
Now here is a question - which one is best for you? ...Let's know this after the jump.