Friday, December 18, 2015

The real reasons for choosing iOS developers at the expense of Android

For years it is well known that application developers prefer to give priority to the detriment of Android to iOS platform when it comes to producing applications for mobile terminals and various reasons have been offered.

From software better thought Apple application development, to better support or fragmentation smaller iOS has always prevailed against Android and rightly so because Apple knew how to deliver what It is more suitable for developers.

To find out if anything has changed in trends developers over the years, a website created an anonymous form and asked five major companies developer of applications to explain why giving priority to iOS's against Android's when it comes application development.

Apart from the above reasons, developers of iOS as the iPhone or iPad owners are wealthy, especially the young, in their case is compulsory Android choosing a very low price because their aim is to purchase an iPhone in their future.

For my target demographic and audience, the people who have iPhones are far more desirable than their peers with Android phones. When talking with teens and 20 year olds, having a big, gold iPhone 6 Plus is like carrying a Prada bag or driving a BMW. It signifies a social status, a place at the top of their social circle. You buy an iPhone because you want the best. Young people I talk to with Android phones have them because it was cheap, or free, and their goal is to buy an iPhone a year or two from now when they have the money. They settled with an Android phone and now they’re settling with clunky implementations of the apps their friends had before them on their iPhones. I’m building for iOS because I want to target users with taste and buying power.

Other developers of iOS do not want to learn another programming language to create for the Android platform as iOS and OS X platforms are used every day as iOS offers better possibilities to create a more attractive interface, etc.

Finally counts and money, and applications for iOS generates revenues much higher than for Android, be it about mere advertisements displayed on their purchase price or in-app purchase sites, iOS has prevailed all time.

These are just some of the reasons for which the strongest prevails iOS before Android when it comes to application development, they exist for years and Google failed to do something to change the mentality of developers.

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