Saturday, May 2, 2015

Samsung Will Launch Micro Updates To Fix Galaxy S5 Lollipop Problems

In February, Samsung began updating the Galaxy S5 for Android 5.0 and since Lollipop are brought no little robot latest version of the system that is already in the build 5.1.1.

The South Korean claimed that he was dealing with some problems in the code and this would be delaying the release of Lollipop not only for his former flagship, but also for all other models of the company's top line. Some even have more current versions, where the line of the company is currently undergoing tablets Android 5.0.2, but found a message on Twitter helps you understand the situation.

Samsung UK admitted via Twitter that the update Lollipop for the Galaxy S5 are down. American users have constantly demanded in the Internet forums about application failures that cause unexpected shutdowns, as slowdowns and crashes. Recently, European users have also begun to express the same complaints, which eventually ended up drawing the attention of South Korea.

According to the tweet above, Samsung plans to release several micro updates to fix the problems involving the TouchWiz Lollipop. However, it remains unclear whether such corrections are made to the system 5.0 or whether it intends to bring a more current build with Android 5.0.2 or even the Android 5.1 it has no date for release in the company's models. Maybe because it is small fixes, we should not see a change in system build this time.

Meanwhile, will have to wait patiently for news, especially when the company did not say a position on when to begin releasing these updates to the Galaxy S5.