Monday, December 14, 2015

Samsung decided not to pay Apple 548$ million for up iPhone

Earlier this month it was reported that Samsung agreed to pay Apple - his main opponent in the patent war - $ 548 million as compensation for damages incurred as a result of illegal use of intellectual property. Apparently, in Seoul reconsidered its decision, as today in the US Supreme Court admitted the appeal by Samsung.

According to Reuters, there is no guarantee that the US Supreme Court will claim Samsung, but for the South Korean manufacturer is the only chance to win. «Samsung aggravates the matter, because it believes that the way the interpretation of the law, does not correspond to current realities" - indicates publication.

Patent litigation between Apple and Samsung began in 2011. The first "war" the company said Tim Cook, referring to the fact that Samsung copied the design and manufacturing technology of the smartphone iPhone. In 2007, Apple introduced a "smart" phone, which use new technologies. To protect their rights the company has applied for and received a patent.

Among these patents there are unlocking the screen from finger movement on it - slide to unlock. In addition, the lawsuit said patent on the detection system data, such as a phone number in the address book when entering similar figures, as well as automatic correction of spelling on a smartphone.

Among these patents there are unlocking the screen from finger movement on it - slide to unlock. In addition, the lawsuit said patent on the detection system data, such as a phone number in the address book when entering similar figures, as well as automatic correction of spelling on a smartphone.

Later, in May 2014, a jury in the US ruled that Samsung must pay Apple $ 120 million, but declined in the last injunction. According to the appellate court, in this case the jury had abused the right to the action at the discretion of.

During the proceedings, Samsung gained the support of a number of companies. Among them the number of Google, HTC, LG Electronics and Rackspace Hosting. According to form a coalition, the victory will allow Apple patent holders "unfairly use its patent to obtain a competitive advantage."

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