Showing posts with label Tutorial. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tutorial. Show all posts

Monday, May 25, 2015

How to delete multiple contacts at the same time on the iPhone - Tutorial

One of the applications of iOS which has not undergone too many changes, received no improvements over time, is the application Contacts that, apart from new interface that received it when iOS 7 was released, it works exactly like the iPhone when the first model appeared.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

How To Disable Read Receipts On WhatsApp Messenger For iPhone - Tutorial

You probably already know that when there are two signs "seen" blue in the application WhatsApp Messenger for iPhone when you speak to someone means that the person has read the message. This function is very useful but it can also be annoying for those who simply, for various reasons, do not want others to know exactly when they read WhatsApp messages. It is very useful if you want to find out if the other person has read your message or not, WhatsApp app tells you exactly that through those signs "seen" that appear next to each message. It's annoying because you can not pretend you have not read a message from someone because it will always know whether you did it or not really.

How To Delete An Account On Instagram iPhone - Tutorial

Instagram is one of the most popular social networks, belonging to the Facebook application, after an acquisition in 2012 of a billion dollars.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

How To Enable Flash Alerts When You Receive Calls And Notifications On The iPhone - Tutorial

Most Android devices has an LED that lights up in different colors when there is a missed call or unread notification.

Friday, April 17, 2015

How to Download apps From The App Store without A Password On iPhone, iPad and iPod - Tutorial

Since it was launched the latest beta of iOS 8.3 for application developers and users enrolled in the public test, we find that we can download applications from the App Store without the need to enter the password each time obviously when coming it free titles.