Thursday, April 23, 2015

How To Disable Read Receipts On WhatsApp Messenger For iPhone - Tutorial

You probably already know that when there are two signs "seen" blue in the application WhatsApp Messenger for iPhone when you speak to someone means that the person has read the message. This function is very useful but it can also be annoying for those who simply, for various reasons, do not want others to know exactly when they read WhatsApp messages. It is very useful if you want to find out if the other person has read your message or not, WhatsApp app tells you exactly that through those signs "seen" that appear next to each message. It's annoying because you can not pretend you have not read a message from someone because it will always know whether you did it or not really.

Well, thanks to new updates WhatsApp Messenger for iPhone application by day, users can now disable this function and each time you read a message from which the person will not know you did that. This tutorial will show you how to enable or disable confirmation WhatsApp Messenger reading application on the iPhone.

How to disable read receipts in WhatsApp Messenger on iPhone

1. Open the application WhatsApp Messenger on the main screen;

2. Click the Settings button in the menu at the bottom of the screen;

3. Click on the Privacy tab;

4. At the bottom of the screen, switch on the gray button next to read confirmation;

Note: When you choose to disable this option, you in turn will no you can not get read receipts from those you are talking on WhatsApp Messenger.

For those who are not aware, we remind you that when you see in the message you send it to a contact a gray check mark that means that it has been sent successfully on your iDevice. If there are two gray check mark means the message has reached its destination, but it has not yet been read. And when the message will have two check marks next to it blue, it means that he was reading and person.