Monday, October 19, 2015

With Apple figured out how to make iPhone hyperfine

Since the presentation of a new iPhone took a little more than a month. On Apple's plans for the next generation of smart phones can be judged by the patent applications that companies register in the US Patent Office.

The network published the details of the next patent Californian giant, which describes a method of reducing the size of the iPhone by reducing connectors which are used to connect boards smartphone. The technology means even a complete rejection of this feature.

According to a document, reducing connector will make the iPhone and iPad hyperfine as connectors occupy much space on printed circuit boards, and sometimes require around them were located other components.

As seen in the illustrations, the new interface can be located close to each other. Connectors consist of conductive lines and insulating sheath that ensures the integrity of the connector. The illustration in the patent image used for comparison are now connectors (top row) and connectors proposed Apple.

When two boards components can be placed directly next to the connectors. The connectors can be soldered to a circuit board, creating a plug-in connection, or two boards, creating a permanent connection.

The sources do not have information about when Apple plans to implement the technology in practice yet. As is known, the company from Cupertino often seeks to patent a particular invention, however, between the issuance of a patent license, and the embodiment of ideas into practice may take more than one year.

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