Thursday, May 28, 2015

The patch from Cydia closes iOS vulnerabilities, allows you to restart your iPhone or iPad

This week it became clear that iOS present a critical vulnerability that allows someone else to restart the smartphone normal text message.

 Apple confirmed the existence of the bug, saying that is working on an update. Exactly when the company released a patch that is not known, and users are advised to disable a number of functions iOS, to exclude the possibility of using an error by an attacker. Jailbreak developers proposed a patch that allows you to close the vulnerability iOS 8, without waiting for the incremental upgrades.

According to complaints from users when getting through iMessage or SMS a certain set of characters, such as Arabic, the phone goes to respring - reboot the system application is responsible for displaying your desktop and launch other programs.

Restarting the system will be repeated for every reference to iMessage, until the user reply to the received message or it will not get a new one. To send it yourself, you can use the voice assistant Siri function or "Share" in any application.

If you use the same text cease to work, and other applications on the iPhone and iPad, for instance - the mobile client social network "VKontakte".

The technical support Apple stated that aware of this problem and are working on its elimination. Right now, users of iPhone and iPad jailbreak is recommended to install from Cydia store packages or UnicodeSuppressor IneffectivePower. The first patch eliminates the use of an error in the application iMessage. The second package - a comprehensive solution, it eliminates the problem at the operating system level.

Set UnicodeSuppressor possible through iFile, click on this link, or wait for the release in Cydia. IneffectivePower patch can be found in a separate repository