Thursday, May 28, 2015

Google I / O 2015: Android Wear account already has 4000 apps in the Play Store

The Google I / O 2015 is taking place exactly at that time, and the company is making this Thursday (28/5) very busy with their innovations. Fans giant's operating system received the formal revelation of "Android M" which will be the Lollipop successor. Also they announced the Inbox as a service available to all users. Now new information about the Android Wear.

At the conference held last year, one focus was the operating system to wearable devices, then two smart watches were launched. In the course of this period the market scenario has changed a lot and were released several other devices that use the system.

The head of Android Wear division, David Singleton, revealed some information while presenting news. The professional said once again the amount of wearable devices that are available, development tools, and dozens of other options offered by the Google system. It was also revealed that currently the Android Wear already has 4000 applications available on the Play Store.

Singleton presented some applications on stage, and judging by apps that were chosen, Google chose to show the possibilities also extend to Android instead of options that can be used only on smart watches. For a platform that is so long on the market until 4000 is a number, it should certainly be greater than Apple Watch currently has.

In addition to showing the options that users have with Android Wear, Singleton also made it clear that the system has more devices than any other platform, and that in the future Google will offer more options in the Play Store.