Thursday, May 28, 2015

IBM offers its employees to move from PC to Mac

As the technological shift from PCs toward smartphones and tablets Apple is expanding its reach in the lucrative corporate customer base. The popularity of iPhone, iPad and Mac among corporate managers employees forced to rewrite the policy and change the traditional structure of purchases.

As part of an agreement with Apple, IBM for the first time it gives employees the opportunity to choose the platform when ordering your computer. Now, in addition to Windows-compatible solutions become available as Mac. This is related to the tweet workers "blue giant".

According to an internal letter IBM, c starting today, employees can choose between a MacBook Pro, MacBook Air, or when buying a new PC or upgrade the current computer. Machines will include "out of the box" new security software, configure the VPN and Wi-Fi to connect to the company intranet.

"The benefits of collaboration, IBM and Apple: are now allowed to choose between Mac and PC», - writes in Twitter John Collins. "Employees can choose IBM officially laptops WinTel, Linux or Mac», - confirms Stefan Vissel. According to the user with the nickname smoothdvd, IBM even offers employees move from Thinkpad on the Mac.

Currently, about 15 000 people are working at IBM on the Mac under the program BYOD («bring your own device»), according to which employees are allowed to use their own equipment. With the new initiative is the number could grow three times before the end of the year, believe in the company.

The Cisco Apple laptops quickly became popular after the company gave employees the opportunity to go to them with devices on Windows. Today, one quarter of all notebook provided Cisco - about 35 000 - this MacBook. These laptops are more expensive than PCs, it was difficulty for Apple in the past. However, taking into account factors such as maintenance and support costs are aligned with the time of the device, the company says.

Recall that a year ago Apple and IBM have announced a partnership. Under the agreements first agreed to provide a second opportunity to sell the iPhone and iPad to its corporate customers around the world, along with pre-installed applications MobileFirst. No other vendor has such a contract with Apple has not.