Friday, July 10, 2015

Technology "Ghost" can extract objects on the screen

Every day we are more convinced that however complicated it may seem sometimes truth is stranger than fiction. In many movies we have seen the most futuristic technology that would have never imagined to see in reality. Now, a group of European researchers hope to revolutionize the way we interact with computers.

Apple recently received a new patent for a thinner touch panel capable of detecting 3D gestures. But this technology, known as "Ghost", allow the user to pull objects and remove them from the screen.

These European researchers want to revolutionize the way users interact with computers to enable them to change the way the screen with their own hands. Here are more details of this technology so curious.

Forget the TV screen!

The project we are carrying out this group of European researchers known as Generic, Highly-Organic Shape-Changing Interfaces or more abbreviated form: Ghost. One of the project coordinators at the University of Copenhagen said that "it is not only the deformation of the shape of the screen, but also the digital object you want to manipulate, perhaps even in the air."

On the other hand, he explained that "through levitation technology ultrasound, for example, we can project the screen out of the flat screen. And thanks to the deformable screens can sink your fingers in it. "

You see, in a few years we could forget about the flat screens as we know so far to make way for this new technology to form a revolution in the experience of using computers.

The Ghost technology could reach the market in about five years

In TechRadar they say that the research team has already built a number of prototypes of different screens at the changing. As you can see in the videos, "Emerge" to extract data from a bar graph with your fingers and move around while "Morphees" are flexible devices that can switch automatically depending on your needs for example bending to protect fingers when typing a PIN code.

On the other hand, the project conducted by the University of Bristol has been divided into a startup called UltraHaptics that uses ultrasound to create feelings in the air. Now, the company employs 12 people and has attracted seed investment in the UK.

The coordinator of the University of Copenhagen as part of the project Ghost says "that change shape as those using screens that could reach the market in five years." In addition, he says that this type of display would have all sorts of implications for the future, from the everyday interaction with mobile devices to learning via computer or design work.

Ghost moment is nothing more than a project in full swing, but who knows if it really in just a few years would become a reality and this technology becomes part of computers and mobile devices.

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