Sunday, January 29, 2012

iPhone Robbery Story

According to New York daily, in what is being called a very interesting incident a tech-savvy New York Policeman has caught a thief using his own iPhone. If we go into detail a Manhattan based thief George Bradshaw, 40, has stolen an iPhone from a 24 year old women. Bradshaw threatened the women at Gun point and demanded the women to give her iPhone to him. Read the rest of story after the jump.

The victim lodged a complaint to the Manhattan police. Robert Garland, the police offer after obtaining the required information from the women has entered her iTunes information into the iCloud app on his iPhone.  Upon entering the iTunes information Mr Garland was surprised to find the stolen iPhone just 11 blocks away.
According to the police officials they caught the thief Bradshaw when the iPhone stolen started beeping. The thief had hidden the iPhone inside his boot. However the officials did not found any weapon from the thief.
Police officials said Bradshaw was booked under second degree robbery and possession of stolen property.