Sunday, September 11, 2011

OS X Lion Ultimatum Dreamboard Theme For iPhone With [ Video ]

Here's OS X Lion ultimatum dreamboard theme for your iPhone which brought new features for iPhone's themes. Watch the video after the jump.

Merits of Mac OS X Ultimatum Theme :

  • Very accurate and usable.
  • Completely working on your iPhone.
  • You can access all your apps quickly and intuitively.
  • Windows can be also moved all around the screen.
  • You can remove open Windows and display all your apps at once.
  • Working scrollable dock for access to multiple apps.
  • You can tap Spotlight to move the Finder bar down and reveal the status bar to get access over SBSettings.
  • Using Mission Control, you can quickly access the Dashboard, Facebook widget and Twitter widget. Swiping to the right will let you access the Dashboard.
  • The lock screen looks like a real OS X. You will need to tap on the user to unlock your iPhone. You can also simply change the username by tapping on the “i” and type out a new username.
Watch This Video For The Ultimatum Dreamboard Theme :

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