Sunday, July 25, 2010

TwitPic Uploader, Now supports iPhone 4 and iOS 4

Of course all users of Twitter and iPhone should know this app, Twitpic uploaded upload your images and screenshots directly to show it to your Twitter users, and now it has been updated the biggest update yet, this updated brings support for iPhone 4 and iOS 4, also fix some issues! Check
the full Changelog after the jump..

What's New In Version 1.4.1
The biggest update yet! Includes the following new feature additions:
- Landscape mode.
- iOS 4.0 and iPhone 4 support (including complete support for iPhone OS 3.0 and 3.1).
- Continue uploading while the app is in background. (iPhone 3GS, iPod Touch 3rd gen. with iOS 4 and iPhone 4 only).
- Multiple accounts (under landscape mode).
- Twitter OAuth and TwitPic OAuth Echo support.
- Does not store the twitter login password anymore.
- Settings within the app (under Accounts).
- Tweet character counter.
- Automatic URL shortening.
- No more enforced 115 max characters in Tweet.
- Automatic Tweet truncating to max available tweet length.
- Better low memory situation handling.
- Better image optimization handling.
- Crash resistant.
- Water proof. :D
Download Twitpic Uploader for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch [iTunes Link]

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