Sunday, June 20, 2010

iOS 4 Apps that are Ready for Multitasking

iOS 4 is about 4 hours away from it's release this is according to the OS 3.0 which was approximately released at 10:30 am. I already posted a full details post about the iOS 4 release today, and Now I'm posting the Ready iOS 4 Apps with Multitasking, Just hit More for List of Apps that Multitask..

Dropbox - Version 1.2.2
Dropbox brings great support for iOS 4 with fast app switch. It allows you to keep your files online and access them anytime. [Free] [Download]

Evernote - Version 3.3.5
Evernote the Popular notetaking app has just updated to work with iOS4 supporting Multitasking with new app switching feature. [Free] [Download]

LinkedIn - Version 3.1.1
This is a popular and important app for a lot of users, you can type a status message and leave it to check something on the browser then come back to it. [Free] [Download]

Zagat To Go - Version 3.1.2
This is the best maps app for most of iPhone users, you will be able to add events to your iPhone Calendars. Also the app has updated the graphic resolution for more fun! [$9.99] [Download]

Pullfolio - Version 1.0
This app is developed to allow you to upload photos on sites like flickr in the background. [Free] [Download]
NYTimes - Version 2.3.3
New NYTimes app allows you Multitask your news reading with fast switching feature. [Free] [Download]

How To Cook Everything - Version 1.1
This Amazing app brings support for iOS 4 with Multitasking includig local notifications, gesture support, calendar support — and updated graphics for iPhone 4. [$1.99] [Download]

ReelDirector - Version 3.0.1
Best app that let you edit your Movies and videos Easily, But now you can check your Mail while editing movie with Multitasking feature on iOS 4. [3.99$] [Download]

Twitterrific - Version 3
This App is under review and should be accepted and released in the App Store as soon as possible. It should be awesome on a Retina Display and iOS 4.

Windows Live Messenger - Version 1.0.1
Yes, you read it right! Microsoft has released the much waited Windows Live Messenger for iPhone and iPod Touch [Free] [Download]

Got more Apps? Let me know by the comment section below!

Update 1: Apps added due to responses:

Tunemark Radio - Version 1.9.1
Most popular Radio tuner app for iPhone users, Added multitasking background play for iOS 4 devices which support it. [Free] [Download]

Skype - Version 2.0.1
Skype Also will be updated for iOS 4 with fast app switch, they have just posted a new post on their blog that Skype will be updated as the iOS 4 and iPhone 4 Released.

Update 2: Here's more apps came on blog posts, check this:

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