Showing posts with label SmartPhone. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SmartPhone. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

iPhone 6S humiliates Android smartphones in performance

iPhone 6S humiliates Android smartphones in performance, and proof of that you have in performance tests that you can see below, in their Apple smartphone in most cases obtaining better results than Android terminals.

Monday, August 24, 2015

iPhone 6 Plus is against the Galaxy Note and 5 Xiaomi Mi Note Pro: blind chambers test

Publication of mobile phones phoneArena published on the website of experimental material, the essence of which was to vote among readers. We were prepared photographs of four different smartphones and asked to choose the best quality and most bad shots, focusing only on the number of frames, no-name devices - so-called "blind testing". In tests participated iPhone 6 Plus, Galaxy Note 5, Galaxy Note 4 and Xiaomi Mi Note Pro.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Apple explained why the iPhone has no competition in the market

Apple posted online promo page dedicated to branded mobile devices. In the section "Why is not there anything better iPhone» company told about the causes of the uniqueness of "apple" smartphone.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Bizarre! China already sells "iPhone 6S" in pink [video]

The Chinese not only get to be bizarre in terms of technology but can also be evaluated as impressive. You surely must have seen numerous clones of your favorite smartphone, be it an iPhone or Galaxy, but there is no denying it: the Apple device almost suffers a kind of "bullying" of Chinese manufacturers living copying their models in short, sometimes not even been released.

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Android users in China are switching to the iPhone

At a recent press conference on the financial results of Apple, CEO Tim Cook said that many users now refuse from Android-devices in favor of the iPhone. Confirmation of these words provided the analyst firm CLSA, which conducted a survey among residents of China.

Friday, May 29, 2015

Samsung is working on the world's first smartphone with a folding screen

Samsung is not the first year is working on flexible display panel. The result of work started planshetofon Galaxy Note Edge smartphone and Galaxy S6 edge. In the next stage of development of this technology the manufacturer plans to release smartphones folding.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

IKEA starts selling furniture with the possibility of wireless charging

The company IKEA began selling furniture brand with the wireless charging of mobile devices. In addition, the manufacturer produced a series of covers that innovations have benefited the owners of iPhone and other smart phones that do not support wireless charging.

Monday, May 25, 2015

Microsoft is interested in buying BlackBerry

Microsoft is considering buying a Canadian telecommunications company BlackBerry for $ 7 billion. Negotiations could begin as soon as possible. Reported by PC-Tablet, citing informed sources.

Saturday, May 23, 2015

As BlackBerry underestimated iPhone and paid for it

In 2007, the BlackBerry underestimated the capabilities of smartphones iPhone, which led to the loss of the mobile device market. Canadian producer was convinced that business users, which focused on the company's products, not interested in the gadget without a keyboard. This is related by the author of "Losing signal", which tells the story of the rise and fall of the BlackBerry.

Monday, May 18, 2015

Xiaomi almost caught up with Apple's smartphone sales in China

In I quarter of this year Xiaomi sold about 15 million smartphones, up 3.98 million gadgets more than in the same period of 2014, according Vestifinance referring to the report of the company. In terms of sales of "smart" phones is a Chinese manufacturer of almost caught up with the company Apple.