Sunday, July 26, 2015

Apple explained why the iPhone has no competition in the market

Apple posted online promo page dedicated to branded mobile devices. In the section "Why is not there anything better iPhone» company told about the causes of the uniqueness of "apple" smartphone.

"Every iPhone, which we released - and we mean every single one - has been created with one thought: The phone must be more than a set of functions. First of all, it should be absolutely simple, beautiful and magic "- with those words begins the story of Apple. Next 11 pages of the company lists the unique features of iPhone, thanks to which he is ahead of all its competitors.

"The phone must have hardware and software that are designed to work with each other. And improve each other. People who see each other often. The only way you can create a perfectly working phone. "

"If we are talking about different software updates with new features, you can sit back and relax, knowing that they will receive the phone. And it will be compatible with it. long years. Free "- adds Apple.

Apple describes "an excellent camera iPhone» technology Focus Pixels, which made the most popular smart phone camera to Flickr, one and a half million "beautiful and inspiring application" in the App Store, protection against malicious software, privacy, data security, support for the payment service Apple Pay, messenger motion coprocessor, counting steps and distance traveled, and a number of other iPhone features.

View promo page "Why there is nothing better iPhone» here.

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