Friday, May 29, 2015

Samsung is working on the world's first smartphone with a folding screen

Samsung is not the first year is working on flexible display panel. The result of work started planshetofon Galaxy Note Edge smartphone and Galaxy S6 edge. In the next stage of development of this technology the manufacturer plans to release smartphones folding.

According to reports, Samsung is on the verge of creating the world's first smartphone with a folding screen. The gadget is being developed under the code name «V» or «Valley». According to some data, the device can receive two displays. However, it is not clear whether they will be located on opposite sides of the body (like YotaPhone) or consider other options for Samsung design.

Sources say that the project is still at an early stage of development. Koreans still may face insurmountable difficulties, which will make Samsung smartphone or postpone the output to take time off from his release.

In 2013, Samsung announced its first curved communicator - an experimental model of Galaxy Round with a 5.7-inch display on a plastic substrate. A year later came PHABLET Galaxy Note Edge, which folded edge. And this spring, the company showed Galaxy S6 edge. Compared with its predecessor, the new "rounded" on both sides, but the angle I have become a little less. Edge, as before, can serve as a center tray.

Samsung already granted a patent for a flexible smartphone: supposed that such a device is capable of deformation will have the entire structure, not only the screen. These developments can also be used in the new project.

Market observers say the possibility of commercialization of flexible smartphones in 2016. Samsung aims to become one of the pioneers of this direction.

The plans to start production of devices with fully foldable displays Samsung announced back in 2013. As CEO Kon Oh-hyun, bending gadgets will appear in 2014, and with folding - in 2015. However, the folding device the Korean manufacturer has not submitted.