Saturday, July 11, 2015

Android users in China are switching to the iPhone

At a recent press conference on the financial results of Apple, CEO Tim Cook said that many users now refuse from Android-devices in favor of the iPhone. Confirmation of these words provided the analyst firm CLSA, which conducted a survey among residents of China.

A study of Asian investment firm shows that 53% of iPhone owners have switched to "apple" device with Android. C the other hand, only 4% of the current owners were previously owners of Android iPhone.

32% of users of Android-smartphone, which plan to buy a new phone for a year, are going to choose the iPhone. And 54% of all respondents who intend to buy a mobile phone for a year will buy iPhone.

The survey involved 854 people with an average income and an average age of 35 years. Among the respondents, more than a third - 36% - have had iPhone. And companies are convinced that by the end of 2015 this figure will increase significantly, because many respondents looking to the communicators Apple.

According to market research firm Kantar Worldpanel, iPhone sales in China reached record levels in early 2015, thanks to strong demand for the flagship model. The popularity of iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus has allowed Apple to increase its share of the Chinese smartphone market to 27.6%. "Apple" communicator during this period became the best selling among China's urban population - 10.2% of sales. In second place is the model Xiaomi RedMI Note, in the third - iPhone 6 Plus.

Apple expects to increase sales of the iPhone in China through a program trade in. Since April 1, the service is now available in all stores branded retail Apple Store.

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