Sunday, October 18, 2015

Top 5 Free jailbreak tweaks for iOS 9 [Video]

Users of actively practicing jailbreak long been a favorite collection of tweaks. They first place in the "hacked" gadgets. Unfortunately, not all of the designs presented in Cydia compatible with iOS 9, since not all developers have released compatibility updates after the release Pangu9.

The creator of YouTube-channel iCrackUriDevice prepared a selection of the five best free tweaks for iOS 9, which can be found in Cydia. The list includes such add-in for docking panels, folders, control points, display and battery iPhone. They allow you to fine-tune the individual interface elements Apple's mobile platform and find additional information about the system.

Not all of the videos submitted for add-ons can be classified as mandatory. Most are highly specialized solutions. Although BatteryLife application with detailed information about the battery might well include in iOS default.

Top 5 Free tweaks for iOS 9:

  • Round Dock: shortens the docking panel and rounds off the corners like in OS X.
  • BatteryLife: More information about the battery: capacity, temperature, voltage, cycles, etc.
  • betterFourbyFourFolders: 16 applications in folders (4 × 4).
  • CC Separator remove separators in the control room.
  • f.lux: Adjust the color temperature of the display, depending on the time of day.

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