Sunday, October 18, 2015

Pangu9 jailbreak and Boot Loop of Death, or blod

Boot Loop of Death, or blond Pangu 9 jailbreak iOS 9 is a term coined a few days ago by a user who noticed that the new solution to jailbreak Pangu9 has a major problem in terms of stability, so we decided to offer some information on what is happening in iOS because of the error.

Summary explanation very long Boot Loop of Death, or blod to Pangu9 jailbreak iOS 9 is basically a problem which can hold an iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch into a continuous reboot for several hours after trying to make jailbreak .

Boot Loop of Death, blod, is different from the normal process of Pangu9 jailbreak iOS 9 can generate some errors and restarts a few minutes, blod being an issue a terminal in a constant loop for several hours.

The BLoD is a peculiar thing. Actually, I — nor anyone else — really understands what the BLoD even is. Because it can get devices stuck in the boot process for literally hours, it appears to continue on forever. 

Since the Boot Loop of Death, or blod Pangu9 jailbreak iOS 9 is an unusual problem, at the moment it seems that the only way to solve it is a reinstallation of the operating system iOS, ie a restore and repeat procedure jailbreak .

I explained in this article how do restore the Recovery Mode and a tutorial jailbreak iOS 9 Pangu9 we published the other day, so you have at your fingertips everything you need to return things to normal if you met Boot Loop of Death, or blod.

How do restore the Recovery Mode and a tutorial jailbreak iOS 9 with Pangu9 we published the other day, so you have at your fingertips everything you need to return things to normal if you met Boot Loop of Death, or blod.

As the name Boot Loop of Death, blod, is a variation of the name BSOD, Blue Screen of Death, most often found on computers with Windows, but last year including iPhones, so do not talk about something new Apple products .

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