Saturday, October 10, 2015

Released the source code of iOS 8.4.1 jailbreak

If you're a fan of jailbreak is safest to have your iPhone on iOS 8.4 still imprisoned, last version that can be applied but, little by little, we get more clues that hands tool for iOS 8.4.1 it will make it possible it could be very close.

Jailbreak iOS 8.4.1, a little closer

Italian Luca Tedesco, who this summer became known for bringing to light the vulnerability of OS X Yosemite, who has been published in source code jailbreak for iOS 8.4.1. There is far from the final version, but a step forward to a possible "liberation" of the latest version of IOS 8 and despite the fact that many of us think that since the area are thinking rather jailbreak in its version for iOS 9.1 due out in November along the iPad Pro.

As I said, is NOT a final version of iOS 8.4.1 jailbreak. The Tudesco himself, who has published the source code on GitHub, said that is a comprehensive tool that only allows tethered jailbreak, ie, one that requires connecting the device to iTunes every time it restarts. And the code that makes possible untethered version is not owned and therefore requires the authorization of the owner for publication on GitHub.

In addition, this jailbreak, dubbed Yulu, OpenSSH gives access only, and does not install Cydia on iPhone.

Therefore, although there is still hope, it seems that a new jailbreak is somewhat closer.

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