Sunday, October 11, 2015

Apple has found a way to extend the life of OLED-displays for future iPhone

While in the past, Apple said that OLED displays are not good enough, LG Display and Apple all have agreed on the supply of screens OLED for Apple Watch. In addition, Apple patents various inventions related to OLED. For example, recently I found in the source database of the US Patent Office for a patent, which describes the technology giant Californian correction display, made by technology OLED.

OLED-displays different small thickness and high efficiency - the LCD panel even with record low power consumption can not be compared with them on this indicator. But this technology has some significant drawbacks. The main is that the picture fades in bright light, and does not differ a great durability: over time, the display begins to be filled up in one of the colors.

The Apple patent describes a method for eliminating the shortcomings OLED-screens. The patented technology is called "Union of organic light-emitting diodes with photodiodes» (Organic light diode having photodiodes). It is assumed that the display of the mobile device will receive a special set of sensors that will analyze the state of diodes and automatically adjust their work. If the color or brightness of the image on the screen will be uneven, for example in case of deterioration of light emitting elements, sensors will offset their defects, making the image more uniform.

Also, Apple's patent describes technology for automatic adjustment of the brightness of different parts of the OLED-display with uneven lighting and ways to extend the life of organic LEDs.

Apple engineers have provided equipment OLED-displays temperature sensors. The fact that such panel changing color and brightness when the temperature changes, dimming by heating. The most pronounced effect in the red organic light emitting diodes. If the temperature sensors integrated into the display, you can use these figures to compensate for these changes and obtain better quality pictures.

OLED displays are thin and do not have a lighting system. This allows positioning the screen adjacent to other components, including those which are a source of heat. Their presence may interfere with the correct color reproduction and speed up the aging of the screen area.

The patent states that the sensors can be used to measure the temperature of different parts of the screen, down to individual pixels, and the necessary correction is determined by the controller. Furthermore, the sensors can detect sites where under the influence of elevated temperature OLED wears at a higher speed, and also compensate for this effect.

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