Wednesday, September 16, 2015

iPad 2 on iOS 9 is slower than on iOS 8.4.1

In the evening, Sept. 16, Apple released a new operating system iOS 9. Although the company claims that the update aims to fix bugs and improve performance, some users, it may make sense to wait until the first update and not to pass on the "nine."

One of the biggest advantages of the iOS platform over its competitors is not only long-term support older devices, but at the same time and release updates to their release for newer devices. This approach allows the owners do not even the newest models of iPhone, iPad and iPod touch do not feel deprived of attention, while the latter continues to sell the product of previous generations.

According to observers of the resource Ars Technica, compare the performance of platforms for iPad 2 iOS 8.4.1 and iOS 9 GM, in the final assembly of the tablet are a bit slower compared to the previous release.

According to the presented table on the iPad 2 with iOS 8.4.1 Four of the six standard applications - Mail, Messages, Settings, Safari, Camera, and Calendar - it runs faster than among iOS 9. For example, the iOS 8.4.1 Safari browserIt opens with a 2.53, while on iOS 8 - for 2.73 s. The same option to Settings - 1.65 s and 1.73 s, and for posts - 1,39 c and 1,65 respectively. The improvement, though slight, noticeable only in the Camera application - from 1.32 to 1.4 seconds and Calendar - 1.53 and 1.55 seconds.

Now Apple is working on an update iOS 9.0.1, and, as practice shows, the first major update to the release sent to "polish" the main release. It may help to improve the performance optimization of the operating system.

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