Friday, September 18, 2015

iOS 9 vs. iOS 8.4.1: comparison of performance on the iPhone 6, 5s, 5 and 4s [video]

Resource EverythingApplePro published 8-minute video, which compares the speed of the operating system iOS 9 and iOS 8.4.1 for smartphones Apple, starting with the first compatible models of iPhone 4s and ending with the flagship iPhone 6. The purpose of the video - to demonstrate how to change the speed of running gadgets new OSes from Apple.

Testing was quite detailed, enthusiastic conducted several experiments, including download speed, launch applications, performance in the Geekbench and data transmission Wi-Fi. First, a blogger praised the download speed. Placing two next to the iPhone, it included both the device and measured the results. Outcome: iOS 8.4.1 loads faster only on iPhone 4s, all models of other leading iOS 9.

In the second test checks the speed of opening of system applications. Blogger used the App Store, iTunes Store, Maps, Weather, and others. This test showed a clear advantage over the iOS 8.4.1 iOS 9. In most cases, the previous smartphone OSes open programs faster than the new one. As Apple has determined that the ninth generation of the operating system was created with the expectation of optimization, but, apparently, the company failed to achieve the desired.

With regard to the benchmark Geekbench, then there performance on most iPhone iOS 9 was lower than the iOS 8.4.1. But to test the speed of Wi-Fi - SpeedTest - an advantage on the side of nines: iPhone 4s, iPhone 5 and iPhone 6 operate a wireless network environment rapidly in the new OS.

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