Friday, September 18, 2015

In iOS 9 took two days for it to get ahead of the spread of Android 5.0 Lollipop, released a year ago

Two days after the release of iOS 9 share reached 21.1% of iPhone, iPad and iPod touch, the statistics show us Mixpanel. The same shares can boast an operating system Android Lollipop, released in November last year.

According to statistics, the share of Google Android Lollipop 10 months after the announcement of 21%. Once again explain what is due, it makes no sense. Differentiation of how it is an advantage and a disadvantage of serious simultaneously.

While fragmentation does not affect the popularity of Android, it makes life difficult for users and developers of games and applications. So for the benefit of all, Google is necessary to make the process smoother OS update.

Apple's approach to this issue completely different, due to the presence in the company's portfolio of two new smartphones in the year. The share of the previous version of the operating system - iOS 8 - 71%. Another 7% "apple" devices running older versions of the operating system Apple.

The introduction of the new platform, which was published in September 2014, although it is far ahead of Android, it is comparable in speed with iOS 8. Thus both platforms far from the record iOS 7. In 2013, the share of the new operating system after 24 hours after 18%.

IOS 9 release on 16 September. Operating system design has inherited its predecessor, but has received a number of important changes. Thus, in the operating mode it appeared, wherein the display device is divided into two parts in a ratio of 50/50 or 75/25 to display two applications simultaneously. iOS 9 also offers a more advanced version of the personal assistant Siri, power-saving mode and the map with the routes of public transport.

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