Wednesday, May 13, 2015

iPhone 6c Air is a concept with 'impossible' thickness of 4.3 mm

When it comes to Apple rumors come in large numbers regardless of the time remaining until the new generation of products will be officially presented. So even leaving about four months until new iPhones estreiem publicly, speculation and leaks are already available in the media for the curious on duty. Based on such general information, often designers engage in a race whose winner is the one who is able to hit most of the visual elements of future handsets from Apple.

This time, a graphic artist SET Solution team used their expertise to imagine 6c iPhone Air concept which emphasizes the incredible thickness of only 4.3 mm. Despite the visible efforts of handset manufacturers to create ever finer gadgets, such size profile seems to be impossible, at least when considering the current state of the mobile phone market. In this way, the result is only the author's imagination the fruit, but it's still interesting to see how the masters of renderings think about the giant of Cupertino:

Video concept where the iPhone 6c Air is the protagonist with 'impossible' thickness of only 4.3 mm

iPhone 6c Air basically inherits the same look and feel found in the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus, differentiating the screen 'only' 4-inch diagonal size. In addition, as the designer has the freedom to choose the technical specifications for its creation, the list of settings includes a touch panel in Full HD resolution (1920 x 1080 pixels), the main camera of 13 megapixel recording with the support Ultra HD videos, models with 32 or 64 GB of memory for internal storage and battery of 3,200 mAh.

The possibility of Apple releasing a more modest iPhone to 4 inches was even raised in 2014, but analysts believe that the US company will maintain the current size of the displays as standard, so there are conflicts about what wait apple this year. If the US company follow your calendar practiced in recent years, chances are a special event to be held between September and October 2015 in order to formally announce the new smartphone brand, but certainly leaks and other informal details should be available this period of time.