Saturday, May 23, 2015

iOS vs. Android: 10 advantages of Apple's operating system

The question is, what is better: iPhone or smartphone Android, iPad or tablets of other companies, worried about many of those who are going to buy a new gadget.

 People to this day are scratching their spears in the dispute which of the platforms - iOS or Android - pulled ahead in convenience and innovation. Until recently, it seemed that compare them meaningless. Previously, it was simple: if you want OS emasculated created perfectionists - buy iPhone or iPad. If you need the freedom to choose the device and the ability to fine tune the system yourself, look in the direction of Android.

However, both OSes subjective becoming more similar to each other. Android gradually finds that iPhone and iPad users have always valued in iOS - aesthetics, simplicity and convenience. The latter, in turn, increases the functionality and customization. Today we tell about the features of iOS, which still distinguish it from the mobile platform Google.

Quality applications

Applications are almost always look more attractive, more comfortable on the iPhone and the iPad. Just compare the store, running the same application. Comes to comic: Compare the appearance of the icons of the same applications that seemingly should look the same: on Android icons will appear "collective."

Quick update

IPhone and iPad users do not need to wait for the manufacturers bother to prepare an update to their devices after the release of a new version of iOS. Most people still have not received the Android 5.0, which Google announced last year. Updates for iOS released regularly and at one point are available to all compatible devices.

Continued support for older devices

Period-enabled mobile phones Apple makes 48 months. Access to OSes iOS 8 smartphone users got even iPhone 4s, submitted in 2011. Of course, the device may not be available all the features of the operating system, but users can use a number of important functions of the mobile platform and run the application from the App Store, only compatible with iOS 8. The same thing happened in 2012 with the iPhone 3GS. Users have been able to go to iOS 6 through 46 months after the start of sales of the smartphone.

The best applications available first

Most developers first decided to release the app on the iPhone and iPad, and only after some time to run it on Android. This is due to well developed tools for the development of iOS. For example, Instagram, one of the largest social networks in the world, more than a year was only available on the iPhone. And then it started to Android.

The most active users on iOS, that's why the developers of the popular and successful applications make its product primarily to the operating system and then modify it for the competition platform.

Apple Ecosystem

Today, when choosing a smartphone or tablet is not the main different specifications such as battery capacity, camera resolution, etc. They are more or less similar for all modern applications. Important for the user - a mobile ecosystem. And iOS is much more developed. In a recent promotional materials Apple introduced its ecosystem in the form of four key products - Apple Watch, MacBook, iPhone 6 and iPad Air 2. It is still possible to add the Apple TV and Wireless AirPort.

user-friendly interface

How have you seen the famous, successful people with iPhone? And with Android? Probably, the ratio will be 95% to 5% in favor of the iPhone. And it's not because it's fashionable. On the contrary: iPhone became popular among successful people because it is convenient. People whose time is precious, make such a choice, because the iPhone allows you to save time, enjoy the use of the device and focus on what you want to do: to communicate with the right people to write messages that use social networks, and do it all seamlessly. And fight not with the interface.

And cell phones, and the iPhone software look great. Gadgets look appropriate in hand businessman, a student, a model with a podium and a neighbor from the nearest entrance.


iPhone is much more reliable, as the manufacturer of the years hones the nuances of production of one model and one operating system, an upgrade each of which becomes a safer, easier, more powerful, more productive. The scale of sales in the hundreds of millions of devices allowed Apple to perfect the production technology and software in detail. For example, even the old iPhone will appreciate fast enough work, and the complete absence of glitches, while the Android devices after a half-two years of service are beginning to slow down, stop responding.

Hardware reliability iPhone and ahead of all manufacturers: by research firm Strategy Analytics, Apple devices almost three times more reliable Samsung smartphones and five - Nokia. It is better to buy one good device and enjoy it for years, than to constantly buy new devices to replace broken or intolerable started to fail.

Family access

"Family Access" - a very useful feature that allows you to save on purchases in the online services Apple. Thus, by combining up to six Apple ID, users can download purchased apps, music, songs on all connected devices. Thus, a person spends money on content once and can use it several people with different accounts.

Greater security

Experts say that the iOS mobile platform is much secure operating system Google to most types of existing attacks. This is due in no small part to strict censoring App Store. Google refers to this more freely, so the majority of malicious programs for Android is integrated directly into the formal application.

Analysts predict that the number of active Android-malware will increase rapidly.


One of the useful features of iOS is the ability to combine work OSes upgrade to the latest mobile devices. Users can answer incoming calls to the iPhone through the iPad, if a smartphone and a tablet connected to the same Apple ID. You can start surfing the web, typing an SMS-message or e-mail on the iPad, and finish - on the iPhone. Another important bonus is the ability to use the iPhone as a modem if one is close to the same iPad. You do not even need to include on your phone modem mode.