Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Google Search on the iOS App Store applications show the results

Google, though it has its own large operating system for mobile devices, is friendly to the Apple platform and takes most of your applications to iOS.

 Search is one of them, able to conduct searches and show results quickly in the specific application users of iPhone and iPad. Despite already have high-quality tool, the Mountain View giant will further differential to its creation. As already happens in Android, the search will display titles available in the virtual store of apps from Cupertino company, attracting even more consumers apple.

Applications will appear directly on Google Search, using excerpts surveyed to find references and thus display apps that may be relevant to user queries. The application name will appear first in the search list, next to the icon and link responsible for forwarding the App Store. In fact, the owner of Android seems to be prioritizing their search engine in recent months, providing an embedded buy button and even a shortcut for anyone planning to order food through delivery, all in the search.

If you are looking on the fees charged by bus in your city, Google may show a capable app to reveal the prices and itineraries of public transportation in the region. If the individual you are searching for a good place to rent movies, Netflix may appear as the first result from the list. It is a way to prevent access to the App Store to discover new features, ensuring that Internet users can spend more time on a single page, generating more profit for the Mountain View company and success to advertisers, for example.

As who gave the information was Google itself, the inclusion of the option in the search for iOS is more than confirmed. Initially, a team will be in charge of selecting which applications appear on the platform, but the company promises to expand to create Developer "as soon as possible." Knowing this, there are chances of the first lucky just be those made by Google, using selected as the Search testing period. We'll keep an eye on future changes to know exactly the functioning of novelty.