Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Linux creator believes that Windows, OS X, iOS and Android are all malware

Linux creator Richard Stallman published a new article in which she argues that most of the operating systems can be considered a malware, and this also applies to mobile platforms.

In an article in the The Guardian, Stallman believes that any operating system that is not open suorce and distributed free of charge can be considered a malware: "In the twenty-first century, proprietary software is for chickens."

For the father of Linux, most of the operating systems on the market, both desktop and iOS, is designed to spy on users, control the DRM and have the backdoor can exploit for malicious purposes.

"What kind of programs should be considered malware? First, the operating system "writes Stallman, who continues" Windows, iOS, OS X and Android bind users, censor the app and may require software changes remotely. Apple systems are real threats: OS X light users, iOS makes it even more. "

Even the paid app contain malware, according to Stallman. The reasons: these apps spy on users and communicate the data to companies. In short, the creator of Linux today is impossible to be able to trust any proprietary software.