Saturday, May 9, 2015

App Store grew 50% at the end of the year and generated $ 10 billion to developers

Apple announced on Friday (8) the first week of January set a new and incredible record for billing the App Store, during which customers around the world will spend almost half a billion dollars in applications and shopping within apps, and that the New Year's Day also marked a great day never happened before in the history of sales of store applications.

Compared to the previous year, the turnover of the store grew 50% in the period and the applications have generated more than $ 10 billion in revenue for developers, reaching a new record. To date, the App Store developers had already accumulated earnings estimates at $ 25 billion by selling games and applications.

Largely responsible for this growth was the iOS 8, the most significant update to iOS so far, which gave developers the ability to create amazing new applications and innovative features offered.

"This year is having a tremendous start after a record year for the App Store and our developer community," said Eddy Cue, senior vice president of Software and Apple's Internet Services. "We are very proud of the developers and the creativity and innovation they bring to the applications they create for users of iOS," he concludes.

Apple has also supported various causes in recent months using the applications and games store as a bridge, as the campaign for the (RED) where several developers and producers participated, where all the income of supporters went to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS . Apple has donated $ 20 million this quarter, breaking records, and since it began its partnership with the fund has donated more than $ 100 million.