Friday, May 8, 2015

iOS 9: launch date of the beta availability and first information

Apple will unveil iOS 9 June 8, but what are today the news more or less certain about the date of launch, start of the beta and new features?

More or less at 20.30 on 8 June, Apple will end his keynote after unveiling the main features of iOS 9. At the moment there are leaked some news about new operating system, but most likely there will be major improvements to Siri. In addition, Apple should concentrate much on functions "hidden", correcting some bugs and improving security and stability. In addition, the engineers also want to lighten the weight of the firmware to take up less memory on the iPhone and iPad.

Most probably, iOS 9 also complement the new streaming music service that Apple has been working for months, since it was acquired Beats. This service may be present within the app music and should enable users to listen to millions of songs streaming paying a monthly subscription (€ 9.99?).

The release of the first beta is expected by June 8, a few hours after the end of the keynote. Throughout the summer are then released other beta for developers, but it is not excluded the opening of a public beta program to a limited number of users. Most likely, iOS 9 will be available only for iPhone 5 and later, effectively cutting the compatibility with the iPhone 4S.

The final exit should instead take place in September, most likely between 20 and 30, along with the release of the new iPhone.