Saturday, October 29, 2011

Siri Is Working On iPhone 4 And iPod Touch 4G And Successfully Connected To Apple Server [Video]

Great Great, What a fantastic and great news when we received a reliable info confirmed that Siri is ported to iPhone 4, 3GS, iPod Touch 4G, 3G and iPad. The last few weeks we saw many screenshots and videos showing Siri running on all iDevices but the problem was that we can't connecting to Apple servers. Now hackers has overcame this problem and already made it. You can watch following two videos for Siri working on iPhone 4 and successfully connected to an Apple server and the other video showing Siri working on iPod touch 4G but after the jump.

Steven Troughton-Smith is the wonderful guy behind this progress. This guy was the first one worked on porting Siri on iPhone 4 with the iPhone developer Chpwn. Few minutes ago Chpwn confirmed on his timeline that siri connected Apple's servers on iPhone 4 after hack session. This is really great news for all old idevices users.

When Siri come to iPhone 4, 3GS, iPod Touch 4G, 3G and iPad ? 
No definite release date till now but we will report you as soon as it released 

 Here's Siri working on iPod Touch 4G In The Following [Video] :

Update : Folks has recorded an interesting video showing the difference between iPhone 4 and iPhone 4S running Siri.

This is an interview with Steven the guy behind this great work.
Mark: Where do you go from here with the port?

Steven: At this point it’s all about confirming this works across devices, making it reproducible (we got it working on two devices today), and documenting everything. It does require files from an iPhone 4S which aren’t ours to distribute, and it also requires a validation token from the iPhone 4S that has to be pulled live from a jailbroken iPhone 4S, and it’s about a 20-step process right now.

Mark: In its current state, is the port 100% functional, is there anything you would like to see work better?

Steven: Yes, it seems to be 100% functional. I’m working on the rough edges, but everything that works on the iPhone 4S seems to work here

Mark: Do you ever see Siri showing up in Cydia (or another jailbreak store) for non natively supported devices?

Steven: No, I could not be a part of that. I have no doubts that others will package this up and distribute it quasi-illegally, or try and sell it to people. I am only interested in the technology and making it work; proving that it works and works well on the iPhone 4 and other devices

Mark: So, you also got Siri working on the fourth-generation iPod touch, how is that working out?

Steven: We got chpwn’s iPod touch up and running with Siri after proving it works on my iPhone 4. Unfortunately the microphone on the iPod is nowhere near as good as the iPhone – you will notice that the Siri level meter hardly moves when you talk to it. While it does work, you have to speak loudly and clearly to the iPod

Mark: How long did porting take you, what was the “I got it” moment?

Steven: Basically, I already had everything I needed to make it work. I had spent a lot of time mapping out in my head exactly how Siri works on the iPhone. All I needed was access to a jailbroken iPhone 4S to put my hunch to the test. It literally took no longer than 10 minutes to put all the pieces in place and perform our first test on my iPhone 4, and it was an instant success.

Follow our guide to Install Siri Files (GUI) On your ( iPhone 4, 3GS, iPod Touch 3G and 4G )

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