Saturday, October 29, 2011

How To Install Siri Files On Your iPhone 4, 3GS, iPod Touch 4G And 3G On iOS 5

Well, as we promised you previously that Siri is very close from old idevices. In this post we will show you how to install Siri files on your iPhone 4 and iPod touch 4G but you are not able to use it now, we will show you later how to use it but now let's see how to install Siri GUI files on our iDevices which run on iOS 5.

Remember : You need to get some extracted files from iPhone 4S and install these files on your iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPod Touch 3G and iPod Touch 4G. This is just a GUI where you can't talk to Siri untill connect a server on Apple.

How To Install Siri On Your iPhone 4, 3GS, iPod Touch 4G, 3G:

Required :

  • Siri files extracted from iPhone 4S.
  • OpenSSH and iFile that can be found on cydia.
  • SFTP client [WinSCP for Windows and CyberDuck for Mac OS X].
  • You should to have jailbroken device on iOS 5 firmware.

Host name:<type the IP address of your network from the WiFi settings on your iPhone>
Username: root
Password: alpine
STEP 3: Now open the following directory and copy AssistantServices.framework which can be found in the extracted files you have downloaded.


STEP 4: Now head to the below directory and copy all files found in SpringBoard_Assistant_pics folder.

STEP 5: Once done, get on your iPhone and open iFile and get to the same directory of the previous step. You’ll find a file named N90AP.plist for iPhone or N81AP.plist for iPod touch. Tap on that file, edit it and type this:
STEP 6: Finally give your device a respring and you’ll get Siri GUI. Just hold down the home button and you’ll get it.

If you didn't find Siri GUI after following previous steps then try this AssistantServices.framework and no need of using the one prvious in STEP 3.
Remember: You can't talk to Siri now it is only GUI of Siri but just wait for the coming surprise very soon. 
Stay tuned with us and we will show you later how to talk to Siri by connecting to a server on Apple.
 Update: Watch these two videos for iPhone 4 and iPod touch 4G already running Siri and successfully connected to Apple Server                                                                                                                                                                                            

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