Monday, July 18, 2011

iPad 2 Jailbreak On iOS 4.3.4 Is Possible With JailbreakMe

We all know that Apple has released iOS 4.3.4 specially to patch the PDF jailbreak hole which was exposed by Comex with JailbreakMe 3.0. Many of our followers who updated their iPad 2s accidentally to iOS 4.3.4, are asking about the possibility to jailbreak iPad 2 on iOS 4.3.4 with JailbreakMe or any other jailbreak.

For who don't know that Comex is working on JailbreakMe 3.0 for 1 year, then Apple came to kill his hard work in just 10 days, which means that jailbreak iPad 2 with JailbreakMe is very difficult to achieve in the present time. I'm pretty sure that there are thousands of users have updated their iPad 2 to iOS 4.3.4 accidentally. If you still on iOS 4.3.3, be aware from updating to iOS 4.3.4.

Chronic Dev Team may be working on this object & task or may be Comex have another surprise to present for us.  

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